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97 % satisfaction

Vente exclusivité maison de village avec garage et terrasse

Vives Immobilier at Capestang gave us a great service from start to finish. Julien in particular was extremely helpful in the final stages of our sale.

Review from ,


To sell or rent your home, the best way is to contact VIVES IMMOBILIER !

Real estate specialist for nearly 10 years, VIVES IMMOBILIER advises and follows you throughout all operations concerning the sale, purchase, management, rental and valuation of your properties

Located in the village of Capestang and Servian, our real estate agencies also spread in the municipalities of Beziers, Pezenas, Bessan, Quarante, Puisserguier, Nissan Lez Enserune, Montady, Poilhes, Bassan, Montblanc and all the villages in the area.

Supporting real estate in the “Biterrois” is the mission to which our real estate agents respond daily. They will bring you the necessary expertise and serenity during each of the key stages of your real estate operations.

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